Miles Community College
2715 Dickinson
Miles City, MT 59301
United States(406) 874-6101

Institution Overview

Miles Community College was established as the first community college in the state of Montana in 1939 and has been a pioneer in education ever since. Offering quality educational programs at an exceptional value, we truly believe that our students can start here and go anywhere. We care about student success at MCC - so much so that we've made it central to our mission and core themes. You're more than just a number here, and we pride ourselves on providing our students with a tight-knit network of support, with the tools you need to reach your goals, both in education and in life. Our small campus size allows you to get to know your classmates, teammates, and peers, as well as our passionate and dedicated faculty and staff. MCC offers quality education opportunities for a fraction of the cost, including traditional two-year transfer degrees, two-year degrees and year-long certificate programs that prepare you for the workforce, and short-term career and technical training.

Basic Stats

Type: Public 2-Year | Community College
Enrollment: 568
Student - Faculty Ratio: For Example:


In-state Cost per Credit: $203
Out-of-state Cost per Credit: $328
In State Tuition per Year: 6090
Out of State Tuition per Year: $9840
Books and Supplies per Year: $1000
Room and Board Per Year: $6650
Application Fee: $30

Ask Us About Our Featured Departments

  1. General Studies/Transfer Programs
  2. Healthcare Programs
  3. Agriculture Programs


Priority Application Deadline: None
Priority Financial Aid Deadline: For Example: December 1

Online Resource Links


Ask Us ...
How can MCC help me get started on a bachelor's degree?