Montana State University - Northern
300 13th St. West
Havre, MT 59501
United States(406) 265-3704

Institution Overview

Located in Havre, Montana, Montana State University-Northern is north central Montana's comprehensive university offering programs and services at the associate, baccalaureate, and master's levels. Degree programs range from teacher education to engineering technology, emphasizing both technology and liberal arts education. MSUN programs are in the disciplines of business, nursing, engineering and mechanical technology, teacher education, natural sciences, and humanities. Applied research and service functions are aligned with many of the university's disciplines and respond directly to the region's economic and societal needs. Specializing in serving a large geographic region, MSUN serves an area that includes four Native American reservations along with Montana's smallest and largest towns. The University functions as an important cultural resource and continuing education center. Come visit our beautiful campus or take a virtual tour of MSUN. We hope to see you soon!

Basic Stats

Type: Public 4-Year
Enrollment: 1094
Student - Faculty Ratio: 14:1


In-state Cost per Credit: $187
Out-of-state Cost per Credit: $525
In State Tuition per Year: 6000
Out of State Tuition per Year: $18710
Books and Supplies per Year: $1400
Room and Board Per Year: $2735
Application Fee: $30

Ask Us About Our Featured Departments

  1. Technical Sciences Department
  2. Health Sciences Department
  3. Arts, Sciences, and Education Department


Priority Application Deadline: July 1
Priority Financial Aid Deadline: February 4

Online Resource Links


Ask Us ...
What are some career paths that I can take after I graduate in my field of study?