University of Montana
32 Campus Drive
Gilkey Center
Missoula, MT 59812
United States(406) 243-6266

Institution Overview

The University of Montana (UM) is the flagship university in the state of Montana and serves as the state's premier university for comprehensive arts and sciences. UM is home to 175 areas of study including the #1 Wildlife Biology program in North America, a School of Journalism that ranks in the top 10 programs in the US, a Pre-Medical Science program that gets students in to Medical School at a rate 20% higher than the national average, and the only law school in the state. Dedicated to providing students with a tomorrow-proof education, UM is preparing students for careers in an ever-changing world through hands-on opportunities in undergraduate research, field experiences and professional internships. Beyond the exceptional academic programs and world-class faculty, we offer outstanding co-curricular experiences for you in and out of the classroom - all while surrounded by breathtaking scenery that will inspire you to climb higher. So, welcome home. You are going to love it here!

Basic Stats

Type: Public 4-Year
Enrollment: 10000
Student - Faculty Ratio: 13:1


In-state Cost per Credit: $223
Out-of-state Cost per Credit: $824
In State Tuition per Year: 7412
Out of State Tuition per Year: $27238
Books and Supplies per Year: $1100
Room and Board Per Year: $10154
Application Fee: $30

Ask Us About Our Featured Departments

  1. College of Health
  2. College of Arts and Media
  3. College of Forestry


Priority Application Deadline: Rolling admission
Priority Financial Aid Deadline: December 1

Online Resource Links


Ask Us ...
As a Montanan - how is the University of Montana preparing students not only for the jobs of tomorrow but for careers that have yet to be thought of?