Institution Overview

Evans Hairstyling College is a family owned and operated school located in Rexburg, Idaho. We run an 1,800 hour Cosmetology Program which is completed in a one year period. We do require more hours than some schools in order to help you become a competitive cosmetologist after graduation. With this amount of hours our students are also able to apply for two years of Financial Aid which can help tremendously for those who qualify. We also offer a $2,000 scholarship to all our students as well as a Referral Program. You will learn all areas of cosmetology including hair, skin, nails, and makeup. The majority of learning is done on live people rather than mannequins giving you great hands-on experience and preparing you well for a salon. We have a 100% pass rate on the State Board Exams and a 97% Job Placement Rate. We'd love to answer any questions you have and invite you to come tour our school as well or go here for a virtual tour!

Basic Stats

Type: Private Institution
Enrollment: 49
Student - Faculty Ratio: 8:1


In State Tuition per Year: 11300
Out of State Tuition per Year: $11300
Books and Supplies per Year: $2500
Application Fee: $100

Ask Us About Our Featured Departments

  1. Cosmetology
  2. Esthetics
  3. Nail Tech


Priority Application Deadline: N/A
Priority Financial Aid Deadline: N/A

Online Resource Links


Ask Us ...
What makes Evans Hairstyling College different from other cosmetology schools?